The Mighty Muscle

They typically always feel tight, you can’t stretch them enough, and most of us believe that they must be strong. What am I? If you guessed hip flexors, you are correct. Why am I talking about hip flexors? At The Studio, we have decided that 2024 is the year of the hip flexors. Why the hip flexors? As mentioned above, they usually hurt, and we fail to recognize that they are actually weak and not strong, and you will gain so many other benefits if you start strengthening them. 

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Let’s first break it down a bit and pinpoint what muscles make up your hip flexors. I’m not going to get super sciency so apologies to my anatomy experts. The major muscles are the psoas and iliacus. These muscles make up internal support for the legs, pelvis and spine. No big deal! Just everything that you need to keep you upright.  These muscles support hip flexion, adduction and lateral rotation. All things we need for walking, running and general movement. 

If the hip flexors are weak and tight they can’t support your legs, pelvis and spine which can lead to hip,low back pain and knee pain because we are all connected. So how do you strengthen those muscles? Trust me, stretching is not (always) the solution. 

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  1. Marching in place. Yep, it is that simple. Stand or sit and march in place for 1 minute. Get funky! Externally rotate your legs and march with knees out to the side. I have seen runners not able to do this! 

  2. My favorite from KneesOverToesGuy. Leg Lifts/ L-sits. Sit on the floor with your hands behind you. You will be sitting hinged back. Both legs out straight, push one heel into the ground and lift the other leg up. Hello quad and hip flexor. Plus you work those low abs! No crunches. (Win!)

  3. Fire Hydrant.Go on all fours. Just like the name suggests, lift one leg to the side keeping the knee bent. You will look like a dog doing his duty at the fire hydrant. 

  4. Lay on your back with both legs extended long and hands by your sides. Lift one leg up off the floor, and draw ovals or squares with your leg. Think about starting it all from the hip. 

The more you strengthen your hip flexors, your hips, back and pelvis/ pelvic floor will improve too!  And huge bonus: if you experience the infamous “hip click” in Pilates or Yoga, it might just go away the more you work the hip flexor muscles out. 

Come to The Studio on Third and experience how Pilates can upgrade your running game, gym life (deadlifts, lunges, squats)  and overall health with a stronger hip flexor. It will hurt at the beginning, but so does running a marathon! Don’t worry, we have some pretty awesome stretches for you too. See you soon.

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